Sell your truck to Bart Straatman Landhorst B.V.
We also buy your vehicles. For more information, please contact us directly by phone or email us the details of the vehicle.
Quick and Easy
We offer a quick and easy way to sell your truck. By contacting us directly, you can sell your truck quickly and hassle-free.
Fair Prices
We offer fair prices for your truck. This means you get a fair price for your vehicle, without having to worry about finding the best deal.
Trustworthy Service
We are a trusted buyer of vehicles. By working with us, you can rest assured that you will receive good service and that you can safely and reliably sell your truck. For more information, please contact directly us by phone or send us the details of your vehicle by email.
We would love to hear from you
Do you have questions or can we help you with anything? Contact us by sending an email or calling the number below. We are ready to help you!